Our Go-To Throwback Playlist
Everyone loves a good tune to stream at work and at Asen we’re no different! Our group’s throwback favorites range from classic Beatles to boy band frenzy. (Yes, boy bands.)
No Judgment Zone
Go ahead, slip on your headphones, turn up the volume and sing along… we know you want to. Hit me baby one more time! Oops did we let one slip?
Our Time Machine
Music is sticky and ignites emotion through tempo, tone and lyrics. You hear a song from your past and it instantly transports you to a certain time in your life. Crazy! It’s one of the most vivid and successful recall mechanisms used in advertising.
Anyway, that’s enough rambling for the day. Below is our agency’s Throwback Playlist. Enjoy the ride, wherever the music takes you:
Brookney Morrell
Art Director
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