Buyer Personas: A Quick Guide to Finding Your Ideal Customer
“It’s a great product, so why isn’t it selling?” This is a question every business owner dreads.
We pour heart and soul into creating something new, invest money into getting every detail just right, and then, when we go to market, the market seems to shrug its shoulders and say, “Meh.” But why?
Creating a strong product is only half the equation.
As much time and effort as it takes to create a product or service you’re proud of, it’s just as important to think about who will buy it and how to sell it to potential customers.
Perhaps you’ve heard the old business adage: “Find a need and fill it.” That’s an excellent place for entrepreneurs to start. But to be truly successful in sales, there’s more to it than that. You have to figure out the answers to questions like:
- Who needs my product/service?
- How do I reach them?
- How should I communicate with them?
Enter: The buyer persona.
A buyer persona is a fictional representation of your ideal customer based on the demographics, interests, and values of your existing customers. A detailed buyer persona allows you to create highly targeted marketing campaigns with the best chance of success.
To create a buyer persona, you need to first understand your customers. This research may include surveys, interviews, and analysis of your current customer base. Once you have this information, you can start to put together a “profile” of your ideal customer.
Be as specific as possible.
When creating a persona, it’s crucial to be specific. The more information you have about your target audience, the better. Once you’ve formed a deep understanding of the persona, you can begin creating content that appeals to them.
This kind of consumer research can feel overwhelming if you don’t know the right questions to ask or have an experienced marketing partner leading the way. That’s where we come in.
A quick guide to creating the ultimate buyer persona.
Answer these questions and you’re well on your way to identifying your ideal customer:
1. What are my customer’s demographics? Age, gender, race/ethnicity, marital status, education level, and income level are all demographics you should consider. Just remember to stay true to your audience without publicly excluding others
2. What is my customer’s professional background? This question considers employment type (full-time, part-time, contract, etc.), industry, position title, and job responsibilities to help you visualize your customer in their work environment.
3. Where does my customer get their information? Where do they go for daily news, to share ideas, or to find solutions to their problems? This can provide valuable insight into the marketing channels that are best for reaching your audience.
4. What are my customer’s values? Once you know how to reach your audience, it’s helpful to know what messages and values will resonate with them. Consider what makes them who they are at their core: What are they passionate about? Do they have any deeply-held beliefs? Are they involved with any causes or social issues?
5. What are my customer’s interests? Unlike deep-rooted values, interests are the things your ideal customer spends time on day-to-day. Think about how they choose to spend their free time. What are their hobbies? Where do they go for entertainment (online and offline)? Do they have any personal projects in the works?
6. When making decisions, who influences my customers most? All consumers are influenced by others in the buying process—even if they don’t realize it. Think about who your customer turns to for help making decisions. It could be family and friends, mentors, coworkers, or even the media (by way of celebrities and big-name brands).
7. What are my customer’s concerns? In other words, what problems cause your customer stress or pain? Your answer to this question will help you qualify any new customers by understanding what they want or need to solve their problems.
8. What are my customer’s goals? Everyone has aspirations and plans for the future. Your customer is no different. What motivates them? What are the things (tangible or intangible) that keep them going?
Once you’ve answered questions like these, you’ll find that having a well-rounded buyer persona will help you better target your marketing efforts, leading to more customers, higher awareness, and increased sales for your business.
As a bonus, this information can also be extremely valuable when assisting and retaining current customers, developing new products/services, and improving your customer experience.
If you’re ready to create a buyer persona for your brand and want an expert eye involved in the process, we’re here to help. From researching your existing customer base to elevating your overall business plan, we have the tools you need to thrive. Let’s chat!
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